2010 Haiti Earthquake

An earthquake of 7.0 damage recently happened in Haiti. An estimated 3 million people were affected by the earthquake. More than 200,000 people died and there has been at least 54 aftershocks or 4.5 and above. The capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince received major damage and many capital buildings were destroyed.
Luckily, many countries have pitched in to help providing food, supplies, etc. This earthquake is one of the greatest earthquakes recorded in history.

Dear Mr.Bernard

Thanks so much for your presentation. Before I had known that Kiribati was in trouble but I had no idea how much culture and history would be ruined. I really learned a lot. I learned about where Kiribati actually is (I'm ashamed I didn't know before) and about the daily lives and culture of the citizens there. What affected me the most is the fact that Kiribati is in trouble but so many people don't realize it and just put it aside. Thanks for letting us know how much trouble your country is in and I really hope help will soon be on the way!
To help with global warming, I think before we think about saving electricity and recycling, etc. we should first think about the countries who can't do anything about global warming, the ones that don't have recycling factories or are the ones that are being the most affected by global warming. To do this, for example, Kiribati, if the citizens don't want to move, we should think of ways to if not stop, then reduce the flooding that is happening. I really believe the building some structures would really help.
Anyways, thanks for talking to us today!!!!